Rendering is the process of turning 2D and 3D models into images and animations. If you want to put together a PC that will give you the best performance for rendering out designs and/or animations at the lowest price, then you’ve come to the right article! Allura GPU – Powered by NVIDIA Iray® – is a new GPU based renderer which utilizes the power of you GPU to create faster renderings. – is the latest, GPU based rendering engine for SketchUp. Using your video board GPU lets us achieve amazing rendering speeds, a high quality rendering image and a satisfying rendering experience.
GPU vs CPU Video Editing and Video Rendering Choosing between a Faster Processor or Graphics Card is Hard. How to get faster video rendering times from your video editing. Both the CPU and GPU are important for video editing, rendering, gaming and 3D modeling but what will get you the best performance?
HOW TO GET FASTER VIDEO RENDERING WITH A CPU The CPU ultimately is going to be the best place to spend the most money when it comes to getting faster render times. HOW TO GET FASTER VIDEO RENDERING WITH A GPU However the graphics card is still important for video editing and video rendering so don't underestimate the GPU and how valuable it is. There are many features such as color grading, 3D modeling and programs such as After Effects that can take advantage of the GPU when it comes to rendering and I've seen it cut rendering times in Premiere Pro down by half. OTHER WAYS TO GET FASTER VIDEO RENDERING TIMES There are other barriers to faster video editing and video rendering such as getting a faster drive such as SSDs and using multiple drives. In addition having more ram can also help depending on how intensive your application is.