The-good-guy on 22 July 2007 i just gotta say that you losers who want to download e-books of harry potter without paying, are bloody ass-holes and jackasses!!!! If you love harry potter so much, why not pay money for the actual book. At least then, you will have a nice book for you bookshelf (with the presumption that you own a bookshelf, because i assume you try to get illegal copies of books, in e-form for just about every book that tickles you fancy). To all of you who payed for your books, thank you for not being petty, criminal and hypocritical. On 14 February 2006 Isn't it funny how everyone who has tried to 'dis' Harry Potter, haven't managed to actually string two words together to even make the slightest sense but intead have turned to meaningless swearing because their pea-sized brains are preventing them from understanding the 'big words' and 'difficult' story lines(!) (BEING SARCASTIC HERE IF YOU HAVN'T NOTICED!). Oh yeah and if you detest Harry Potter that much why the hell have you even turned to a Harry Potter fan sight. Just go back and listen to your pointless, offensive, jargon that you call music.